Sourcing Local Agro-Forestry

Timber Selection







Pressing the Sheets

Adding High-Quality Gurjan Sheets


At AcePly the journey of plywood begins with responsible sourcing. Sustainable agro-forestry practices ensure the availability of quality raw materials. Eucalyptus, birch, or pinewood are excellent choices due to their strength and growth speed.

Experienced professionals meticulously select the finest timber, considering factors like grain, density, and moisture content. This step ensures the raw material’s quality and affects the final product’s performance.

After selection, the chosen logs are expertly cut and transported to the manufacturing facility. Logging operations follow strict environmental guidelines to minimize ecological impact.


The logs are processed through a debarker, removing the harder bark shell from wood logs. Having debarked logs allows for smoother and more consistent final veneer output after peeling.

The debarked logs are subjected to a peeling process. This technique creates thin veneer sheets that maintain the wood’s natural characteristics.

Quality control is paramount. Skilled workers carefully examine the veneer sheets to remove non-uniform core output . This sorting step ensures that only top-grade veneer is used in the production process.

Veneer sheets are dried using steam generated from efficient boilers. This ensures uniform moisture content, enhancing the sheets’ stability and preventing warping.


High-quality quick-dry adhesive with low urea-formaldehyde content is applied to bond the veneer sheets together. Using eco-friendly adhesives ensures strong, durable bonds while minimizing harmful emissions.

The glued veneer sheets are placed in hydraulic presses to form plywood panels. The high pressure and temperature applied during this stage result in a solid and stable composite.

For finishing and additional strength, 100% high-quality imported Gurjan sheets are added to the core veneer. Gurjan wood is known for its exceptional durability and resistance to moisture.

Plywood panels are meticulously polished to achieve a smooth and even surface, enhancing their aesthetic appeal and making them ready for various finishing treatments.

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Umdaa quality, Kifayati Daam

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